Skin Care for Different Skin Types

Taking care of our skin is an essential job for several reasons. Healthy skin helps us to look good, but it also serves as a critical external layer of our bodies. A layer where germs, bacteria, and harmful UV light can be deterred or even destroyed.

Not all skin types are the same. The best methods for maintaining healthy skin will vary, depending on how your skin type is categorized. Today, we’ll explore different skin types and the best practices for maintaining healthy, beautiful skin.

What are the Different Skin Types?

At Bared Monkey, we’re not just a premiere location for laser hair removal in NY. We also specialize in patient consultations for various skin and beauty needs, including determining skin types and the best products and methods for pampering and protecting your skin.

There are generally four unique or categorical differences when thinking about skin types. The types are normal, dry, oily, and combination. Within these types, variations and mixtures or compounding skin types can exist. For instance, it’s possible to have dry and sensitive skin.

It’s also possible to have varying intensity levels regarding certain skin types. For instance, if you have oily skin, it may only register as a 3 or 4 out of 10 for the amount of natural oiliness, whereas another person’s oily skin may be closer to an 8 or 9. These factors are essential to identify and consider when building a skincare routine and regiment.

Skincare Tips For Different Skin Types

When considering how best to treat and manage a skin type, a one-size fits all approach won’t work. Although some positive behaviors will benefit your skin, no matter the type, it’s also necessary to focus on the individual’s certain skin traits and conditions to help pinpoint which products and procedures will be the most beneficial.


This term can be misleading, as one person’s normal may differ significantly from another’s. Also, our skin can change through the year’s seasons, and as we age, it’s important to consider how the skin currently presents itself. Normal skin types usually have smaller pores and are often smoother in appearance.

Overall, normal skin references a type that isn’t too oily or dry and doesn’t tend to react too strongly to environmental or external changes. This skin type is usually relatively easy to manage and maintain. Normal skin type is often balanced or neutral regarding pH levels, too.

Taking care of normal skin may need less attention than more problematic types, but proper care and maintenance are no less important.

  • Take precautions in the sun. This is important for any skin type since it is one of the largest agents of change our skin will endure. Proper sunscreen application of at least 30 SPF is recommended, with re-application as necessary. Wearing a hat, sunglasses, or other sun-protective clothing is also important, as exposed skin can be adversely affected. After-sun moisturizers can also prove effective for retaining your skin’s healthy glow.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking the proper amount of water daily is vital for all aspects of our health, especially our skin.
  • Clean and moisturize regularly. Properly cleaning the skin with non-abrasive soaps or cleansing products is necessary for the best results. Dirt and dead skin cells and makeup must be removed daily, preferably before bed. Keeping pores clear is important for our skin’s regenerative processes. Moisturizing with quality topical creams, serums, and lotions helps to give your skin a healthy layer of protection and hydration, too.


Dry skin often looks rough and cracked, showing more lines and wrinkles than usual. This skin type can also appear flaky or scaly, with uneven patches and sometimes redness. Dry skin, as it sounds, lacks natural moisture and the elasticity which comes with it. Certain climates or seasons of the year with less humidity can also exasperate dry skin conditions.

The dryness level can range from mild, in which some visible dryness can be detected, to much more severe, in which itchiness and large patches of dry and calloused skin appear. Dehydration is commonly associated with extreme dryness.

  • Moisturize often. Since this skin type lacks moisture, it’s necessary to supplant it with topicals. Moisturizers should be applied two to three times daily, with more significant applications for more extreme cases.
  • Hydrate regularly. A person’s dry skin can be caused or worsened by a lack of proper hydration. Drinking regular amounts of water is necessary, especially if the person consumes other foods or drinks that can reduce water, such as overly salty, sugary, or caffeinated foods or beverages.
  • Use high-quality products. Moisturizing is vital for dry skin, but it’s also important to be selective with the type and quality of moisturizers, serums, lotions, and other topicals you choose. Look for products with natural ingredients like zinc oxide, coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax, cucumber extract, urea, avocado oil, and cocoa and shea butter. Serums and topicals with hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, lactic acid, glycolic acid, ceramides, and other alpha hydraulic acids effectively manage dry skin conditions.
  • Exfoliate periodically. Exfoliation is a process of removing excess dead and dying skin cells to rejuvenate the skin. Dry skin often appears rough and cracked because of a build-up of under-moisturized or dead skin on the surface. Exfoliation and moisturizing will allow your skin to replace the dry top dermal layers with newer, healthier, and more moisturized skin layers.
  • Avoid long, hot showers. They can feel relaxing and soothing, but they can also strip your skin of much of its natural moisture and oils. Shorter, moderate-temperature showers are better.


Oily skin is often coupled with larger pores, can be prone to acne or blackhead break-outs, and looks shiny or greasy. In this case, the body produces more oil than usual. This can be caused by diet, climate, or environment, or it is just a natural condition of the individual.

Managing oily skin can be tricky, as the desire to reduce oiliness can also lead to less moisture of r the skin. Removing oil can lead to other skin problems, such as rashes, dry patches, or blemishes for someone with naturally oily skin. Replacing moisture is vital.

  • Regularly clean, but don’t overwash. With oily skin, larger pores are often present. Oil can trap dirt and debris in the pores, leading to skin problems. At the same time, too much cleansing can rob the skin of its natural moisturizers. Use oil-absorbing cleansers when washing. Blotting or rice papers can also help to remove excess oils without a complete wash.
  • Moisturize after cleaning. After cleaning, it’s necessary to add moisture back to the skin. Since a natural amount of oil will also replenish, it’s important to use lightweight moisturizers and similar products. Silicone, gel, or water-based work well to maintain oily skin types.
  • Reduce acne without reducing moisture. Some products may contain alcohol or other ingredients which are shown to eliminate oils. Unfortunately, these products can often be too harsh on the skin and remove too much fat and moisture. Alternatives can involve using natural acids like glycolic, salicylic, and alpha hydroxy acids. Laser treatments, which can help reduce the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands, are also shown to be effective acne solutions for all skin types.


This skin type is often influenced by environmental or seasonal changes. For instance, reasonably normal skin may become much more oily in summer or when the temperature and humidity rise. Equally, the onset of winter may signal more problems associated with dry skin.

Fortunately, this means the conditions may not persist year-round, but it may also mean you’ll need to adjust your skincare routine to match the necessity of your skin. Watch for cues around seasonal, dietary, or even emotional changes.

  • Use a mild or gentle cleaner. As we discussed earlier, overcleaning can cause as many problems as it may resolve. It’s best to maintain a consistent cleaning schedule instead of harsh ingredients.
  • Focus on the T-zone. Our faces have a region of skin called the T-zone consisting of the forehead above the eyebrows and down through the nose and chin; this area is often more oily than others. With combination skin, removing oil may be necessary for this area but not the rest of the face. Moisturizing may be needed in other areas, but this zone can be left alone.

Your Skin is Your Friend

Our skin is vital to our overall health, and our health is often reflected in our skin. That’s why it’s so important to take care of it. Fortunately, with a few manageable steps, proper skin care is not too hard to achieve.

In addition to what you can do, fabulous skincare and beauty procedures are available through the trained technicians at Bared Monkey. Whether laser skin rejuvenation or removing unwanted fat or hair, Bared Monkey is New York’s premier laser spa. Contact us today for a consultation or an appointment for your subsequent beauty treatment.

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