What Is Laser Vein Treatment? How Does it Work?

Varicose veins are an unsightly problem that often affects the legs. However, these enlarged, entangled veins could develop anywhere. With modern technology, though, you don’t have to suffer. Laser treatments are available. It’s vital to understand how they work to decide if it could be a safe, effective solution.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose are superficial veins that can become twisted or enlarged. It’s thought that varicose veins may stem from weakened valves in the veins. The valves are responsible for keeping blood flowing in one direction. Whenever they’re weak, the blood may pool into the veins rather than going to the heart. The valves must fight gravity to keep blood flowing as it needs to, and it’s more difficult when the veins return blood from the legs upward. This is why varicose veins happen more frequently in the legs.

In most cases, varicose veins are merely an aesthetic problem. For some individuals, they may cause pain and discomfort. The pain is often worse whenever someone sits or stands for prolonged periods.

Aging leads to wear and tear on the valves, inhibiting controlling blood flow. Due to hormonal changes, women tend to experience varicose veins more frequently than men. Specifically, women are more prone to this during pregnancy or menopause and before a menstrual period. Women who take hormonal birth control or hormone replacement therapy are also more at risk. Other possible factors include having a family history, being overweight, or living a sedentary life. Those who stand for long periods also have a greater risk.

How Does Laser Vein Treatment Work?

Laser vein treatment is a procedure that uses light energy to heat problematic veins. It cauterizes them, causing them to close. The blood will naturally reroute itself to the healthier veins in the area.

Sometimes, more than one treatment is necessary to address the problem successfully. Some veins are more difficult to treat than others and must be targeted multiple times for full depletion to occur.

Is it a Noninvasive Laser Treatment?

Depending on the laser beauty treatment in NY desired, you’ll be given the option of two different types of laser spider vein treatment. Keep in mind that some only offer one option.

Noninvasive Laser Therapy

This laser vein treatment is noninvasive, never penetrating the skin. The entire process occurs through the outside of the skin.

Minimally Invasive Therapy

On the other hand, there’s endogenous laser treatment, commonly known as EVLT. It targets large veins, and your practitioner will insert the laser fiber through the skin. It then goes into the vein through a small catheter. With this procedure, the practitioner uses an ultrasound machine for precision.

It’s a minimally invasive procedure because it does penetrate the skin. It, however, does little damage.

Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins receive their name since they look like spiders. Well, at least some of them do. They’re similar to a varicose vein and usually red, purple, or blue. They may look like webs, branches, or lines immediately under the skin. These tend to be smaller than varicose veins. They won’t hurt in most cases and don’t cause any complications. Removal may be desired for cosmetic reasons, in any case.

Females are more at risk for them than males, especially during pregnancy. During the aging process, you’re also more prone to them. They arise for the same reason as varicose veins — blood has difficulty returning to the heart from the legs, leading the fluid to pool in them.

Fortunately, a laser beauty treatment in NY may eliminate them or reduce their appearance. It works in the same way as laser therapy for varicose veins. Light energy is directed toward the affected veins. The laser heats the vein, causing it to seal up. As a result, the dysfunctional vein closes. The body can then absorb it. Next, the blood will rechannel itself to the nearby healthy veins once the vein closes completely.

The practitioner will use the noninvasive laser approach for this particular treatment. This is because the spider veins are smaller and don’t require direct light therapy to address them.

What Happens During Laser Vein Treatment?

Consultation and Evaluation

When someone visits a laser therapy center for vein treatment, the practitioner will first evaluate their situation. The practitioner will decide if there is a benefit from laser therapy. In the more serious cases of varicose veins, laser therapy may not effectively target the issue.

The practitioner will review your medical history report to ensure the procedure is safe. Sometimes, further testing is necessary. At this point, tell your practitioner about any medications taken, including over-the-counter and prescription medicines and supplements. You may need to stop certain ones prior to the procedure.

Let the practitioner know if you plan to have a sedative for relaxation purposes. You may need to take it before the appointment.

During the Procedure

You’ll then return for the actual treatment. So the practitioner can easily access the affected vein or veins, you’ll need to underdress and wear a medical gown.

Next, you might receive a special pair of glasses to shield the eyes from the laser light energy.

You’ll receive a numbing agent applied to the area for a minimally invasive laser beauty treatment in NY. This will reduce discomfort during the insertion of the catheter. On the other hand, you won’t receive a local anesthetic for noninvasive surgery. The practitioner will inject an anesthetic into the vein for a minimally invasive procedure.

With the non-invasive treatment, a practitioner will immediately aim the laser at the targeted vein. The practitioner will first check the vein with a Doppler ultrasound during the minimally invasive procedure. The device will be used to monitor the vein and guide the laser energy during the entire process. The practitioner will then make a small incision into the skin above the affected vein. This is where the practitioner will insert the catheter and then the light energy.

As a general rule, the procedure takes about an hour. It may take less time for a mild case, such as a smaller vein.

After the Procedure

Once the laser beauty treatment in NY is complete, a patient can return home immediately. There is no hospital stay required, nor any downtime. A practitioner will inform all patients of any special restrictions they should follow in the first few days after the procedure.

Should You Expect Minor Bruising and Swelling?

Not everyone has side effects from laser vein removal. The side effects of the treatment tend to be mild and may include bruising and swelling. Both are only temporary and will subside as you recover fully.

The bruising comes from the damage to the vein that leads to bleeding. The blood doesn’t exit the skin, causing a bruise. Swelling stems from trauma. It’s the body’s natural reaction to trauma from the procedure. A person’s body will send white blood cells and other fluids to promote healing, which causes the swelling.

The practitioner may recommend that a patient wear compression stockings for the first week or two after the procedure to reduce inflammation.

These same side effects may occur with EVLT as well. The symptoms are often worse since there was a small incision made and laser energy sent through the vein. Additionally, some other side effects may develop, including the formation of a lump along the vein.

What Are the Problems Related to Untreated Varicose Veins?

Generally, there aren’t any problems related to varicose veins healthwise. Some people become self-conscious about the veins because they’re unsightly. This may lead to a person not wearing shorts or a bathing suit to hide the problem behind clothing. It can ultimately affect someone’s confidence and mental health. For most people, the problems don’t go beyond that.

Varicose veins can lead to open sores on the skin around them. It arises when the veins aren’t circulating blood back to the heart. Increased pressure within the vein may cause it to burst, which leads to bleeding. The continuous pool of blood can.

The skin will then appear either reddish-brown or tan in appearance. It stems from blood cells in the pool of blood breaking down. As a result, the skin changes color.

In the more serious cases, a person may have chronic venous insufficiency when it happens long-term. Keep in mind that a person’s risk of a blood clot increases when varicose veins are present.

Pain is another common issue with untreated varicose veins. Sometimes, it’s accompanied by leg cramping.

Laser vein treatment stops blood flow through a damaged or defective vein. The blood then travels to another vein, and you won’t notice the difference. You’ll see that you don’t have pain or the unattractive appearance of varicose or spider veins. Once treated, there won’t be any long-term consequences of untreated varicose veins. Either.

Book an appointment with Bared Monkey today to discuss our laser vein treatments and determine if one could be for you. Call us at 212-256-9777.

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