How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

Everyone who has tried to lose weight by dieting, exercising, and watching what they eat has probably run into the challenge of stubborn fat. This is the extra weight that, no matter the effort, just doesn’t seem to disappear. Unlike those Hollywood bodies on the big screen, even dedicated exercising folks have slight fat areas that just refuse to cooperate. Coolsculpting provides a solution, by using cold temperature and specialized vacuuming to remove that last bit of fat that remains. Unlike the stereotyping that it’s just another diet fad, Coolsculpting is far from that; instead, the procedure is focused on the remaining 30 lbs of fat removal that remains on a person to their ideal target weight.

CoolSculpting Price

While there will always be market variation, pricing tends to be competitive between services available regionally. Coolsculpting, however, does not fall into the category of a necessary medical procedure. Instead, it is considered a cosmetic or voluntary treatment. As such, Coolsculpting pricing can vary from city to city, depending on where one lives and the demand for the service. Where there is a bigger urban footprint by population and a larger market, pricing tends to be more competitive. In areas where the population and services are spread out, pricing may be higher as fewer offices provide the service. Generally, one can expect the cost of Coolsculpting to fluctuate between a low of $2,000 to as much as $4,000 per treatment.

One of the key areas of price difference involves which part of a customer’s body needs to be sculpted. The price charged for the service will increase as the area is bigger, and alternatively be smaller for spot treatments instead. As mentioned above, even these categories will be higher or lower depending on geographic location and the overall market available for the providers. Additionally, costs increase with the number of sessions a customer wants as well.  The average case generally only needs one procedure appointment per body area treated. That said, some cases tend to require more attention, or the customer has more specific needs which might be associated with specific performance appearance and similar. In these situations, multiple appointments can be made, but the overall cost will increase accordingly.

Note, that providers are not bound to a specific price band or cost range. Every customer is their own case with specific needs and factors. So, it’s not a practical approach for one to go in and try to argue exactly the same price as their neighbor for a similar area procedure. What might be a simple spot treatment for one customer could be a more extensive treatment for another customer wanting the same body area affected.

CoolSculpting Price for Stomach

Being one of the larger parts of the body, as well as one of the more visible straight-on, especially during the warmer season when everyone is going to the coast and the water, the stomach is a high-demand service for a lot of reasons. Stubborn fat can show up for a lot of reasons ranging from diet, lifestyle, pregnancy leftover, age, and more. It’s also one of the hardest areas to get rid of with exercising as the body likes to store its fat reserves in the belly area. Fortunately, because of such demand, the service is probably the most common one provided, which helps bring the price down versus other body areas that are more unique or infrequent. A typical treatment for the stomach area will likely be in the range of $1,500 per treatment appointment. Expect about 30 minutes to a half-hour per session. Cost obviously will increase if more than one treatment is desired.

CoolSculpting Price for Arms

Fat in the arms tends to appear on the back of the upper arm and becomes more noticeable with age. Because it is a much smaller area to treat, the individual treatment will be a lower expense. However, remember that most treatments involve both arms. So, while the price may be lower, usually in the range of $650 per session, it has to be doubled to cover both arms. Ergo, a true arm treatment will be closer to $1,300 overall. Again, sessions typically last a little bit over a half hour’s time, and most customers only need one appointment for full effect.

CoolSculpting Price for Thighs

The legs, again, being a bigger area to treat and involving two sessions for a complete treatment will be one of the more expensive areas for Coolsculpting. A noticeable amount of fat can accumulate on the back of the legs and hips over time, particularly with age and lifestyle. The leg is actually divided into two zones, the inner thigh and the outer thigh. Both represent their own treatment zone. With pricing for the outer area at $1,500 and the inner thigh at half that, a full session for both legs could run somewhere between $4,000 to $5,000 depending on the service provider and extent of work done. Again, every zone will likely take slightly over a half hour’s time, but being two legs with two zones, expect a couple of hours for a full procedure application.

What to Expect Afterwards

While the treatment time for a Coolsculpting session may only take a half-hour to an hour, the impact takes longer to show up. Normal results are seen in about anywhere from four months to six. This is because the body has to move out the fat cells that have been changed by the temperature exposure and get rid of them. In the immediate short-term, the patient is likely to feel sensory side effects from the treatment. That can include a loss of feeling in the direct area, i.e. being numb, or some dull pain. This phase lasts a number of days to a few weeks on the outside. The effects won’t be drastic, and customers regularly go right back to normal life and work without limitation aside from the day the treatment was applied. Of course, the more body areas treated in the same visit, the more of an impact the overall session will have on how one feels afterward.

Ideally, the effect of the Coolsculpting should be long-lasting. Where dieting and exercise only reduce the size of the fat cells but they remain dormant until activated again, the Coolsculpting process actually gets rid of them altogether. That said, the body can produce more. Much depends on lifestyle, diet, and genetics. Many customers who want to make sure they see a full effect have areas treated more than once, such as the stomach area. And, even with multiple treatments, the body has a knack for being very resistant. It’s quite possible over time for fat cells to return to traditional storage areas without adjusting one’s metabolism to match their activity level and burn off the resources as they are consumed.

How to get a discounted price on CoolSculpting?

As was mentioned earlier in this article, Coolsculpting is not considered a required or necessary medical procedure. While it does apply a medical approach, Coolsculpting is considered an aesthetic type procedure or cosmetic. As a result, it is extremely rare that any type of health insurance plan will provide even partial coverage for the procedure. In that regard, a customer can expect to pay out of pocket for the entirety of the treatment instead. Because the pricing can be significant in one charge, many providers are willing and have plans that provide for payment options over time. These options are typically partnered with a financing company that essentially addresses the cost of the treatment upfront for the provider and then provides a loan to the customer paid back over time with interest, similar to a credit card approach. However, the interest cost is probably lower than a typical credit card charge.

Where a customer is looking to have multiple body areas treated, it’s possible to negotiate discounted services with a provider, depending on their particular service menu and market demand. Some providers offer to bundle treatment services, which provide pricing advantages for different body areas if bought together versus separately. Again, some regions have multiple providers, so it’s worth the time to shop around as well. Competition tends to lower pricing, which works to the customer’s advantage. However, don’t expect the same financing options, as each provider has its own menu of services, price points, and establishments with payment plans.

Why choose us for CoolSculpting?

Bared Monkey provides an affordable approach and Coolsculpting price in NY. While our name is in jest, our approach is serious, and we have more than two decades of experience in aesthetic services for clients. We make a point of staying on top of the latest technology, training, safety procedures, and applications for Coolsculpting and laser hair removal, giving our clients a solid range of aesthetic options for personal appearance improvement and health. Because of this depth of experience, Bared Monkey is probably one of the most reliable services in the area for customers and all skin types.


If you’re new to the idea of Coolsculpting, give us a call to find out more. Our Bared Monkey team would be happy to explain the process, and show you how it works, what to expect, and how the procedure could benefit you personally. Coolsculpting can be the push your body needs to get to your target look, encouraging your system to get rid of that last stubborn fat to your target weight. Let us show you how it works and the results possible!

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